
So it's eclectic. So it's an -icity. So what else should we call it?

Location: United States

A careering astable multivibrator: strong science & math in HS, then strong Lib Arts college; then Navy Nuclear Power program; then Ph.D. in Eccles Hist (King's College London); then maintenance consulting for U.S. Navy and independent industrial consulting in Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) ... it just goes on and on ... In faith ... Baptist for 25 years, Episcopalian for 25 years, now Orthodox (in a Greek Orthodox parish)

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Inlua Flu

Somehow, I managed to chant my way through this (Sunday) morning's service ... seems like my throat miraculously cleared each time my turn came 'round to sing. In between times -- hacking and coughing.

Been doing that for more than a week, now. I think I might have a touch of the Inlua Flu.

Or, if you say it more slowly, the "in lieu of" flu ...


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